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Платформа ServiceNow: тематическая подборка... / Хабр

  1. Платформа ServiceNow: тематическая подборка... / Хабр

    Продолжаем цикл наших дайджестов о том, что такое платформа ServiceNow и «с чем ее едят». Говорим о специфике, функциональных возможностях, новинках и лайфхаках.

  2. Self Service: как и зачем учить пользователей... / Хабр

    Как заставить пользователей полюбить Self Service. Первый шаг — адаптировать портал под запросы пользователей. Для этого все разделы и каждый пункт меню должны носить...

  3. ADSelfService Plus Release Notes

    Self-service (password reset, account unlock, and change password) notifications are now supported for non-AD accounts including IBM iSeries, HP UX, Office 365, G Suite, and Salesforce.

  4. Self-Service Improvement - Customer Success - ServiceNow

    Improve self-service with ServiceNow. How to create effective self-service channels and

  5. Employee Service Center - ServiceNow

    Our Employee Service Center allows employees direct access to HR services.

  6. Self-Service Analytics ServiceNow Docs

    The Self-Service Analytics framework enables you to gather information about user activities and deflection outcomes related to those activities.

  7. Helpdesk portal IT service portal IT self service Self help support...

    We now know that self-service helps end users get their issues resolved faster since they don't have to

  8. Как начиналась ServiceNow: краткая история развития компании

    Service-now.com стали первыми, кто продавал SaaS корпоративным ИТ-клиентам и предпринимателям. Среди проектов для малого бизнеса были: сервис для заказа буррито...

  9. What Exactly Is Self-Service? - Salesforce.com

    Self-service means offering customers and employees tools and information so they can find answers to their questions and have a better experience with a product or service.

  10. ADSelfService Plus Release Notes

    Self-service (password reset, account unlock, and change password) notifications are now supported for non-AD accounts including IBM iSeries, HP UX, Office 365, G Suite, and Salesforce.

  11. ServiceNow – The smarter way to workflow HR Service Delivery

    ServiceNow allows employees to work the way they want to, not how software dictates they have to. And customers can get what they need, when they need it.

  12. What Exactly Is Self-Service? - Salesforce.com

    Self-service means offering customers and employees tools and information so they can find answers to their questions and have a better experience with a product or service.

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